wouldst thou prefer mine form to be loved in pieces by thee than loved in whole by another? so be it, possess me.
petit rouge.

author | |
name | roxy / lia |
age | 26 |
pronouns | any/all |
timezone | est |
mael . ㅤffxivㅤ . oc . indie roleplay . darker themes
do not
under any circumstances, be a dickhead. this includes transphobia, racism, misogyny, misandry and any form of bigotry. you either treat others with kindness or you don't. i don't deal with people that don't. i won't be giving any leeway with this. none.
do not
hound me about roleplaying or pursue me ooc. roleplaying is not my primary focus. i've a commission list to get through. don't try to guilt me into rping. i'll communicate if i can't. don't try to bring ic feelings into ooc as well. i don't care for it.
do not
try to be my friend solely for art/writing. i've had people do it before and it hurts every single time. once i stop giving them art, they go away. do not be this person. i can tell if you are and i will drop you like a fly if i catch those vibes from you.
i am okay with most kinds of RP. erp is encouraged with mael but it needs story. mature rp is very, very encouraged with him. be 21+ though. i'm not interested in roleplaying with anyone below that. likewise, i need you to tell me if you need a break at all when interacting with mael.
if your character is openly hostile, though wants to roleplay with mael, let me know OOC for consent + let's talk about it; just so i am aware that you're not being rude just to be rude. if there is a disagreement between the characters, i will always ask if you're okay.
while i love making friends, i will let you know now that i am unhealthily timid and greatly dislike the pleasantries of small talk though i understand it's purpose. i have a hard time reaching out but absolutely will endeavor to forego my comfort if you are the same. i am asking for the same treatment in return. that being said, i will never give you shit for not responding or not talking to me.

❀ character.
❝ wouldst thou kindly sink into me like sarcoma? contaminate mine bones, marrow, flesh and all. eat me whole. ❞
ㅤnameㅤㅤlord mael-olivier d'auvergne.
séraphin lémieux , little red.ㅤageㅤㅤthirty-one.
ㅤspeciesㅤㅤishgardian elezen.
ㅤbirthdateㅤㅤ14th sun of the 1st astral moon.
ㅤsexualityㅤㅤvery homosexual.
ㅤlocationㅤㅤd'auvergne manor / court of roses.
ㅤoccupation(s)ㅤㅤdoll maker, enchanter, novelist of dark romance
under the pen name séraphin lémieux ,void and enchanted artifact seller .ㅤmbtiㅤㅤintj-a.
ㅤalignmentㅤㅤchaotic neutral.
ㅤpersonalityㅤ an agreeable man, mael tends to chameleon according to whomever he's talking to by mirroring their behavior. he'll occasionally let little hints of him being eccentric or strange out if only to get a reaction out of the folk he's with. though, his inclinations tend to run a bit on the darker side of hydaelyn. he likens himself to a rose that none can pluck and finds himself to be a bit of a challenge to get close to. underneath, he craves the closeness and dreams of it.
❀ physical
ㅤeyesㅤㅤspring green.
ㅤhairㅤㅤdeep scarlet.
ㅤscarsㅤㅤno scars to note.
ㅤlanguagesㅤㅤcommon, ishgardian, something ancient.
ㅤscentㅤㅤvanilla, vetiver and velvet base, middle notes consist of iris, jasmine and lily-of-the-valley. the top notes are sage, bergamot and peony.
ㅤaether appearanceㅤㅤit's a bright pink that seems to swirl into an ever expanding sea of red.
ㅤblood tasteㅤㅤmuch like sweet red wine.
ㅤaether/blood qualitiesㅤㅤit functions as an aphrodisiac to those that taste it. it's full-bodied, a taste that will make one want to have more.
ㅤnotable featuresㅤㅤhe has freckles. there is also always some kind of scratch or bite mark on him if one looks closely enough.

❀ statistics
likes |
the strange, the wicked, reading, properties of aether/dynamis, making ball-jointed dolls, writing, drawing, libraries, sleeping, teasing folks, using others as furniture, poems, being pampered. |
dislikes |
normalcy, being talked down to, disorganization, smaller spaces, ale, spicy foods, sleeping at sporadic times, blue pens, pencils, glitter, confetti, the smell of smoke, not being listened to. |
doll making
harp playing
ㅤextra detailㅤ mael does have narcolepsy, so occasionally you may find him just laying down somewhere or slumped up against a wall. best thing to do is to just carry him to somewhere soft, or better yet, let him sleep on your lap.
❀ abilities
ㅤmagic infusionㅤ
The user can infuse objects (usually a weapon), beings or powers with magic, empowering and energizing them and allowing the user to manipulate their qualities and efficiency, allowing a vast variety of effects/spells to be used through the object.

Users can redefine the properties of existing items: altering physical features, reshaping and reconstructing them, customizing their various properties, and upgrading their overall capabilities, even transforming them into an entirely different type of item. Advanced users may learn to implement supernatural properties and even sentience into items, eventually leading to the creation of synthetic lifeforms and super-powerful artifacts.

ㅤphysical restorationㅤ
The user can repair and return any broken or damaged non-living object to its optimal state no matter how long it has been broken or how damaged it was.

User can take apart, rebuild, and restructure anything piece by piece leaving the target without defects of any kind, augmenting its attributes or overall quality. Even going so far as to restore and even improve on degraded functioning.

❀ mood

they art naught less than the sole being on mine mind. captivating and obedient; they art mon chevallier. wouldst it be that i could render them obsessed with me.

the bane of mine existence, most certainly. he wouldst have thee believe he ist kind, polite. he is naught such. all-knowing and eerie. possessive over mine blood.

relationship type
sink thy teeth into me, sweet immortal; where thy fangs bite, rest assured that such a place belongs to thee.

relationship type
sink thy teeth into me, sweet immortal; where thy fangs bite, rest assured that such a place belongs to thee.

a lover of novels
if one is an avid reader of dark romance novels, then they will know the name séraphin lémieux. this is mael's pen name and one he does not reveal. his most popular novel is called 'shadowing roses'. he does like talking about his own work, good or bad.

avid crafter
what he is actually known for would be his craftsmanship when it comes to ball-jointed dolls. he will occasionally enchant these dolls to do different things, much like mammets. do talk to him about his craftsmanship, he loves it beyond anything else.

while he's socially enchanting, he uses his aether to create enhanced items with different effects to them. that being said, he's able to take requests or sell someone an enchanted item should one ask about it. most of his enchantments are simple but there are some he would prefer not to get into the wrong hands.

sweet thing
for nightkin, ashkin and voidsent, mael smells suspiciously way too good for it to be true. those with a particular set of taste buds will find themselves hungry in his presence. lucky for them, he welcomes such a thing.

bites and marks
there are always bites and marks on him if one were to look closely. if you asked about them, he seems to pause and not know what precisely to say. it's the one time he gets flustered and there's probably more there than what meets the eye. he wouldn't and couldn't give a straight answer.

🩸 sink deep.
❝ wouldst thou kindly sink into me like sarcoma? contaminate mine bones, marrow, flesh and all. eat me whole. ❞
ㅤroleㅤㅤtypically he is submissive in nature with the capability to be dominant bottom. he will very rarely top.
ㅤpartner preferenceㅤㅤmen of all shapes and sizes.
ㅤdisallowed partnersㅤㅤany lalafellin.
ㅤfavorite kinksㅤㅤblood play, crying, dirty talk, collars, mental torture, whipping, corruption, creampie, pain, intimacy, biting, edging, hypnosis, praise, breath play, exhibitionism, frotting, somnophilia.
ㅤhard no'sㅤㅤageplay, necrophilia, scat, watersports,
ㅤmore informationㅤ If you'd like to erp with mael in specific, please don't hesitate to shoot a dm over or otherwise message me on discord: succurox. it'd be easier to do things on discord, personally, as i tend to work very often and don't have many days off.